India Club Executive Committee For The year of 2022-2024
1. President
1. Mr. Bimal Bharali
2. Vice President
1. Mr. Gautam Ganguly
2. Mr. Dipak Kr Das
3. General Secretary
1. Mr. Diganta Thakur
4. Treasurer
1. Mr. Suresh Kumar Beria
5. Joint Secretary, Tennis
1. Mr. Arnab Kr Sarma
6. Joint Secretary, Club Services
1. Mr. Tirtharaj Sarma
7. Joint Secretary, Sports
1. Mr. Anshuman Das
8. Executive Committee Members
1. Mr. Arjun Bhorali
2. Mr. Gaurav Chowdhury
3. Mr. Bhaskar Hazarika
4. Mr. Kaushik Talukdar
5. Mr. Dipankar Barooah (Not Seen in Picture)
India Club Executive Committee For The year of 2020-2022
1. President
1. Mr. Bijan Kumar Choudhuri
2. Vice President
1. Mr. Nazim Nasar Ahmed
2. Mr. Dwip Baruah
3. General Secretary
1. Mr. Biswadeep Bora
4. Treasurer
1. Mr. Suresh Kumar Beria
5. Joint Secretary, Tennis
1. Mr. Amlandeep Das
6. Joint Secretary, Club Services
1. Mr. Hemanta Kumar Sarmah
7. Joint Secretary, Sports
1. Mr. Anshuman Das
8. Executive Committee Members
1. Mr. Siba Prasad Baruah
2. Mr. Bhaskar Hazarika
3. Mr. Rajeev Kumar Bora
4. Mr. Gaurrav Chowdhury
5. Mr. Kaushik Talukdar